29 April 2015

Global Citizen: The world's 15 biggest tax havens - Plus one extra one that outranks them all

Corporate tax avoidance, tax dodging, secret offshore tax havens, tiny tropical islands that are the mysterious headquarters of global companies.

1 comment:

Experience Company said...

"Global Citizen: The world's 15 biggest tax havens - Plus one extra one that outranks them all" sheds light on the pervasive issue of tax evasion, with notorious destinations like Switzerland facilitating corporate dodges. These havens exacerbate global inequality by enabling the wealthy to shirk their fiscal responsibilities, placing heavier burdens on ordinary taxpayers. As financial giants exploit legal loopholes, governments struggle to recoup lost revenue essential for public services. Addressing this disparity demands concerted international efforts to close regulatory gaps and hold tax company Switzerland evaders accountable.