The Global Institutional Investors Forum (“GIIF”) is a non-profitable, charitable purpose trust set up to represent and promote the views and interests of global investors using Mauritius as an investment jurisdiction. GIIF works with global investors, the Government and local institutions to promote and develop Mauritius as a transparent and well regulated jurisdiction.
The legal form of GIIF is a charitable, purpose trust. A purpose trust is a binding fiduciary agreement made to fulfill a particular purpose. The trust assets are managed by the Trustees and an Enforcer is appointed to make sure that the purpose of the Trust is fulfilled. GIIF currently has three trustees: Cim Trustees (Mauritius) Limited as qualified trustee (represented by Steve Flynn of Cim Global Business in Mauritius), Dev Joory, of IFS in Mauritius, and Mrs Aisha Timol of the Mauritius Bankers Association (“MBA”). The enforcer of the trust is Me Marc Hein of Juristconsult Chambers.
The Trustees have established an Advisory Council to advise and guide the Trustees on strategic issues. The Council members that have been appointed are Messrs Sunil Banymandhub, Iqbal Rajahballee, Philip Baker QC, Dinesh Kanabar of KPMG India and Nishith Desai from Nishith Desai Associates.
GIIF holds its Operational Committee Meeting on a fortnightly basis. This is attended by the Trustees, few members of GIIF and the GIIF Secretariat. An Advisory Council meeting is held as and when required.
“The Trust is established for the purpose of creating and running a forum to be known as “Global Institutional Investors Forum” of which foreign investors investing globally and other stakeholders interested in foreign investment worldwide, using Mauritius, (together the “Stakeholders”) can become members or contributors and through which:
- the views and concerns of the Stakeholders in regard to proposed or actual regulatory, legal, or fiscal changes in respective countries concerning their investments which might impact adversely the interests of the Stakeholders can be channelled;
- effective steps directly or in conjunction with persons or organizations with similar objectives or purposes can be taken on behalf of Stakeholders to ensure that the provisions of such changes are as far as possible not detrimental to the Stakeholders and facilitate and encourage foreign investment.
- formulate debates, suggestions and ideas for furtherance of the interests of the Stakeholders, both globally and in Mauritius
- professional advisers and other organisations and persons may be engaged in furtherance of the Purposes.”