15 May 2014

Women's Offshore Network launches in the BVI

A new networking initiative has launched in the BVI for women working in the financial services sector.

The BVI "Women's Offshore Network" launched this morning, 8 May 2014, to an audience of approximately 80 women at The Moorings, Tortola. The initiative is the brain child of business associates from five firms; Mourant Ozannes, KPMG, Forbes Hare, Coverdale and Walkers who, after a steering group breakfast with senior women from BVI organisations, were able to incorporate the group and plan an initial calendar of events. 

The objective of the group is to provide networking opportunities, predominantly for women working in the BVI financial services industry. Men are also able to join as associate members.

Eleanor Morgan, Senior Associate at Mourant Ozannes, is one of the founders of the Women Offshore Network. She said: "Women tend to network in a different way from men, so we wanted to organise smaller, more informal events which would make it easier for people to reach out and build relationships with others working in the industry. We hope that it may also lead to mentoring opportunities."

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