18 October 2010

Mauritius: Capacity Development Workshop on Tax Administration

The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), in collaboration with the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA), held from 11 to 15 October the 11th ATAF Technical Workshop on “Auditing Multinational Enterprises”, at Le Maritim Hotel, Balaclava.

Participants comprised mainly tax administrators from the thirty six African countries which form part of ATAF. The workshop aimed at bringing together tax agencies in Africa and give them the opportunity to discuss on ways to improve on their performance strategies as regards tax administration system in their respective countries.

ATAF grants a lot of importance to the capacity development for African Tax Administrations given that during the launching of ATAF in Kampala, Uganda in November 2009, it was agreed among the different stakeholders that taxation is central to Africa’s development agenda. Besides, the building of effective and efficient tax systems across Africa is vital to meet the development responsibilities of the people in a sustainable manner.

ATAF was established as core objective to cater for the development and maintenance of efficient and effective administration within the context of taxation and technical workshops and international dialogue remain the core part of ATAF’s programme of capacity development. In addition to playing its role as the central platform for African tax administrators to articulate African tax priorities, the forum aimed at developing and sharing best practices in the region and building capacity in African tax policy and administration through peer learning and knowledge development.

It will be recalled that the holding of the workshop lies in the context of a series of training initiatives on which the MRA has embarked to enhance the skills of its employees with a view to providing a better service to clients and to stakeholders in general.

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